  • They uncovered search history

    across multiple devices which provided a birds eye view at the willful intent of the user. Given the timeline of the searches matched against the timeline of text messages it was easy to see the evolution of mindset.

  • The device was mangled

    but their lab was able to reconstruct the interface and extract an image of the data from the drive. This data would have been inaccessible without Utah Data Recovery. Their whole team was outstanding!

  • The metadata told it's own story

    of where the pictures were taken and the device that they were taken on. Without these guys we wouldn't have discovered the pictures and video were tampered with.

Data Discovery and Forensic Analysis
The process of discovery and preservation makes the difference between conviction and exoneration.
Each device, image, app, and account has a story to preserve in today’s interconnected world. The digital world is continually evolving and we’re here to provide the latest advances to you and your client.

Every case needs a strategy for discovery, testimony and cross examination. We work with attorneys to provide cutting edge representation. We’re unbeholden and have served both sides so we know what to look for and how to prepare for what the other side will likely do. We work with the chain of custody and with everybody in the chain of events from those who are first on scene to those who leave the courthouse last.
You need a discovery expert who is:
  • Unbiased/unbeholden to party types with an evenly balanced history representing defendant & petitioner
  • Intimate knowledge of both sides' strengths and weaknesses
  • Experienced with consulting and delivering expert testimony on the stand

Sample HTML output of text extraction

Example of location detail in SMS picture

Every Moment Counts

Avoid the risk of waiting any longer.
Over 96% of cases involve digital evidence due to the prevalence of technology for personal use.
Our Average Time for a Complete Extraction is < 3 business days. Some Extractions Take As Little As A Day. Analysis and Report Generation Requires Additional Time
Years Of Data Discovery, Data Recovery, Expert Analysis and Testimony.

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