
Like a final follow up exam and chart review, the final step in our process is to scan through all the results and confirm the results of the restoration. We carefully screen every bit and byte on the disk to look for content and  fragments of files which lead us to a better recovery.

This part of our process can take a couple of days to perform at which point we may be able to show you screenshots or thumbnails of what we were able to restore. We may need to clarify the kinds of files you’re wanting and their locations so we can be sure we include them in our scans for recovery.

During this step we are able to:

  • scan for custom file types and formats
  • restore deleted or formatted files
  • recover file fragments
  • identify any remaining corruption to files
  • identify files which were unable to be restored

Our first attempt isn’t always the last. If we haven’t found what you’re looking for then we will be able to discus additional options for recovery like alternative media, temporary storage devices, or any intermediate devices which may have once held the memories. We work with digital forensics experts on our team to help in extenuating circumstances.

As we care for your drive one or more of our staff members will reach out to you with updates. Please use (435)-227-1530 when you call to talk to skip to the front of the line with your questions.

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